Monday, June 6, 2011


Hello friends and family.

We've been pretty busy lately.  We're working hard on getting our second CD done and doing some really fun and exciting gigs.  Recently, we did a little gig in Las Vegas.  You know.  Nothing special.  Just opening for some comedian in a little theater in some hotel down there.  I mean its hardly worth mentioning really.  Except that it was opening for JAY LENO in the TERRY FATOR THEATER at the MIRAGE!!!  (Yes. 3 exclamation marks is/was completely necessary).  We had so much fun and we're really looking forward to going back, but we'll get back to that in just a little bit.

Unlike a typical GFT performance that is anywhere from 45 minutes to about 1.5 hours long, this particular performance was only 20 minutes long.  We tried to give the audience a nice high energy show that was as funny, entertaining, and musical as we could muster; so we spent weeks practicing the set and getting the right collection of tunes in the perfect order so we could change it as soon as we got there.  We felt like a touching rendition of "And So It Goes" might not set the right tone for a comedy act.  Of course we didn't think about that until after the first show.  We don't blame the couple in the front row for falling asleep.  It was 10:00 at night after all.  And the group sitting over on the right hand side having side conversations and laughing, I hope you know that you missed out on something beautiful that night... 7 singers baring their souls.  In all honesty, this was such a fun experience for us.  We got to visit Vegas and we got to perform in one of the coolest venues we've ever played in front of a couple real Vegas audiences.  I never thought I would ever be playing Vegas, but there we were opening for Jay Flippin' Leno (I'm not sure if that's his legal middle name or not so don't quote me on it).

Jeff and I worked up the first ever Groove for Thought Vlog of Awesomeness... ness... ness... ness (that sounded more epic in my head than it looks typed out), so I'll let him tell you about the rest of the trip.

Like Jeff mentioned (kinda stealing my thunder a little bit there), we'll be back in Vegas on September 23rd and 24th.  You can get all the information you need here. You might also want to check out our website to see if we're going to play a venue near you.  As always, we'd love to hear from you on our Facebook page or on twitter.