Considering Groove for Thought is about ten years old, we figured it's about time we cut another album. A lot has changed for us in the past few months, but there's no rest for the wicked(ly awesome). Of course, as is the GFT way, nothing can go completely without some kind of problem. In this case, we were all ready to record at Bellevue College. Kelly went up early and set up mics and cables and got the room all ready. There are large fans in the room, however, and we needed to get these turned off. Apparently this was supposed to be done BEFORE the session, but when we showed up, the fans were roaring. So Kelly, Peter, and Brennan trekked across campus to the Campus Ops building to get the fans turned off. Thirty minutes later (and after trying to communicate with an Russian lady with a VERY heavy accent), the fans were turned off and we were ready to get recording...or so we thought.
Upon arriving back at the recording studio, we discovered that the IT people at the college had picked that day to do a system update on the studio computer, and the install was not going smoothly. The install was finished, but the computer was not restarting. So, we called James, Amanda, and Stephanie, told them to pull over and wait for word on the computer, and waited to see if the computer would reboot. After waiting for 45 minutes, we decided it wasn't worth the wait and all seven of us headed to Renton to our rehearsal space/recording studio. So here we are, recording "Shining Star" after a couple hours of traditional GFT hassle. We'll keep you posted as we continue recording through the weekend.
Brennan, Peter, and Stephanie
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