Yesterday marked Day 2 of our first intensive recording weekend for our new album. Friday, though it started with some frustrating set backs, proved to be a productive evening. We were all looking forward to Saturday and another productive day of recording.

Of course, we are GFT, and so things can never go ENTIRELY smoothly. As we were to be recording in our recording space/recording studio, which is not very well isolated from external noise, we needed to have a plan in case the neighbor decided to mow his lawn. So Saturday morning, an hour before our session was to begin, we devised a plan that involved some major construction of an iso booth. Jeff and I took off to the local Lowes to get supplies while Peter, Amanda, and Kelly started tracking before the neighbors were up to start making a bunch of noise. When Jeff and I got back, we all started constructing our iso booth. Certainly not everyone in GFT has construction experience, but things went smoothly and before too long, we had a little iso booth. Of course, we made it out of 2x4 and drywall, so it is massively heavy.
I think it's also worthwhile to mention that while we were all brainstorming and slaving on the booth, James was off with his kid at a parade (see below)...hmmm.

All in all, though the session started a little late, the day proved to be another productive day of recording. There are some loose ends to tie up on "Shining Star," but some good progress was made. We'll get another session on the books soon. Time to start editing!
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